Monday, August 11, 2003


My brother tried to hack into my blog today. Almost succeeded too, until I walked in the room, catching him in mid-click. Im pretty excited and happy to be getting out of here - my whole family is on the fritz. Dad has raised his normal vocal level to about a 9 (on a scale of 1 to 10, mind you), Mom grinds her teeth during the night causing extreme jaw pain and paralyzing numbness, Robert's acting like a Zen Buddhist prophet, Katie's obsessing over nothing and everything at the same time, Michael, well Michael's so happy-go-lucky he doesn't even notice anything's wrong, and Becky and I are just sitting back, endlessly waiting for the 27th when we're driving back to school. Got a skull and crossbones ring yesterday. Way cool. Man, my cover almost got blown on Yosemite with Beth this Wednesday today at church. Maybe I should just ask my mom if I can go; that might be the best thing even though I'm scared stiff she'll say no. But I haven't been out of the Bay Area ALL SUMMER AND I'M GOING CRAZY MAN!!! CABIN FEVER AT IT'S WORST!!! So man, I don't know what else to talk about except that Helen's pissed at me for bailing on her Wednesday for Beth. I think I said this is yesterday's entry, but man when I write so late at night I can't remember right from left and all that. So forgive me. Man I'm going to bed.

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