Sunday, August 17, 2003

James Iha sucks

Things with my parents are looking up today. I tell ya: this past week has been the worst rollercoaster ride of my life. But church was good because I saw Tom and talked to him a lot face to face. We're kicking it tonight, and tomorrow night, and probably every night because he has nothing to do until he leaves for school. I'm excited though. It was weird today, like seeing and talking to him face to face, but it will get better soon. Perry called me during church today. My phone was on vibrate, but it was vibrating rather loudly (at least it seemed loud in a silent room!). It was like 3 o'clock and he had just woken up...hahhaa. I'm going to miss Perry so much though. He's become a rather good friend. Whatev man, whatev. Too many good friends after this summer. Not enough heart to leave with all of them.

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